First JOB..
10 - 12 April 2009
It was my first time working experience that i worked for other employer. I got my job from the and working as a promoter. It was a precious opportunity that i worked and earned for my own! Yea, if not mistaken i think that time i applied, the salary was stated RM60 + high commission. However, I got to know from others that diferrent people got different pay. I heard someone got a high base of RM80 or RM70 plus commission but some with low base as RM50! Haha.. yea there only one girl who got RM50 for her salary per day. How sad.. i guees this is because the differrent period of application. The early you apply for that job, the lower pay you get. The later you apply for that job, the higher pay you get.
All right so let's back to my working affair. I worked as a promoter for a company name CLAMUL (Clarion Multimedia) in PC Fair 2009 (April). The company's main product is selling GPS devices. They sell either GARMIN (from Taiwan) and GOOZIE (from dunno where). The diversity of this two brands are the price and quality. Other than that both totally look the same, regardless the functions, colour, size, and system layout they are all alike. Thou, GOOZIE gives a lower price than GARMIN, the quality is terrible. I heard my friend (he promoted GPS in my booth) said some of the GOOZIE GPS map was not fitted integrately to the screen and the memory card did not support the devices. haih... cheap ye mou hou ye.. OKie, since GPS wasnt my promoting scope lets put it a side. Well, so my job scope was to promote MP5, RMVB Moviebox and USB camera pen! Haha... yea, all kinds of weird stuff that made from China. very ba lia' one. Thou i worked for only 3 days, i met customer came back for product return. Those china gadgets that i promoted wasnt dependable and it was also vulnerable. Sad case, i even encoutered product damage while doing demonstration to the customers! Especially the USB camera pen. It comes with 2GB and 4GB. Some ppl said it is a dangerous product that can use to spy ppl. Anyway, there all still bunch of ppl interested.. I remembered there was a foreign customers who order 80 pieces of USB camera pen and looking for more to import into his country. Haha.. and ofcuz the promoter who got this customer earned a good commission!!
It was a great and fun working experience to work with such a cool troop. Haha, enjoyed alot! hope we could still meet out sometime in the future!