MY life II00VIII

MY life II00VIII

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

De Gathering



Date : 28 July 2007
Venue : Wang's house

Today's theme is LAla...
But actually what is Lala? what is the definition of lala??
It is a style of dressing which looks complicated and usually easily catch eyes by others.
An additional..

The Lala dressing is classified into 3 ranks
which are..
low, medium & high
Although today's theme is Lala but all failed to comply to the theme of the day..
They DID! but just in low rank level...


Wang, Andy, Ling, Elsie

Elsie,Sze Mun,Poh Sin, Wai Yang and I..

Elsie, Ling, Ping, Bei, Wen

Shakira, May, Vynecia, Yan, Mun

However, there is exception!

Choon marvelous hair tail!

Andy, Ling, Sin, Choon

The LALA king!! Shun & Fei

Hohohorr.. no joke! they are in High rank level!! Can transform into inscrutable outfit anytime!!

Poh Sin and I..I got to thank her for painting my nails..Oh my god..I couldn't believe i actually asked her to paint my nails! I was the insane one..What to do??I definitely don't look like a LALA right,do I??

Choon Mun, Poh Sin, Elsie and I..

Elsie and I

Here are the peopleeee!!! There are 20 of US!!

.::THE END::.

#Feel to know more about our party? Then you must check out with their marvelous post!!!#

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Monday, July 30, 2007

H3arT '2' HeArt

Click on the picture it will enlarge to have a better view!!

These are the comments from my Stella Friends! They Rock, I will remember their words by heart!

Full of appreciation, Thank you very much!!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

ColOuRfuL LiFe

Does anyone here know the significant of colourful life? Why do I want to name it coulourful life? When we talk about colourful! First thing that comes to our mind must be rainbow perhaps so. Rainbow contains 7 brilliant colors which are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple. However does our life filled with these 7 brilliant colors? It is possible if you think it is likelihood. Just as our life there will be happy, fury, sad and sorrow. I am a person who likes to think a lot and used to keep everything in my heart because I hardly find someone that can really share my problems. However I found that doing blog can really make me comfortable by release it. Although you don’t get any solution after bloging but at least you can clearly noticed what is going on through your life. In my blog I will be wise up my thought, my route and my life.

Last but not least, I hope that you guys enjoy reading my blog and give some comment for my post so that i am able to know who is being with me all the time!

Thank You^^