MY life II00VIII

MY life II00VIII

Monday, July 30, 2007

H3arT '2' HeArt

Click on the picture it will enlarge to have a better view!!

These are the comments from my Stella Friends! They Rock, I will remember their words by heart!

Full of appreciation, Thank you very much!!

1 Comment:

  1. :: booboo :: said...
    親愛滴國梁你好..你在期待我滴下一個BLOG對不對? hehe.. i quite busy nehxx.. maybe tonight or tomolo lo.. wanna c my 'wet det' hair style leh.. hehe.. let's c let's c.. ok? muz come pc fair visit me ge wor.. ok? [i dun mind u come with 'other' purpose ]haha.. k? c u then ya~ ohya.. that not called 'marvelous', i cant change that to only 西 actually, so i came out wat wat 中西合璧.. weird huhh? wat 2 do? haha.. be patient for my next blog baa..^^ byee.. take k.. [mamak mamak]

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